Blogger Layouts

Welcome to Our Patch of Heaven!

Howdy friends! In honor of our 100th year in operation (it's incredible!), the Bar Lazy J is going high-tech! Now not to worry--there's still none of that allowed here while you're on vacation, but while you're away and anxious to keep up with what's going on (or you just need your "ranch fix"), come check in on our ranch blog where you'll find hoards of photos, we'll follow our staff and you'll hear all the latest happenings first! Of course reading about it isn't nearly as good as the real thing, so we hope to see you out on the trail real soon, but until then, check out what's happening and leave your comments--we love to see that our friends have stopped by! Happy trails everyone!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Glimpse

Bar Lazy J 2012—by Beverly VanDell

       Many of our friends were fortunate to see this already, but in case you missed it (or like us—just want to watch it again!), here is a stunning compilation of photography from the talented Beverly VanDell. We were truly touched by her beautiful portrayal of the ranch through her artistic photos. We thank her profusely for her wonderful work. (Now somebody help me find my boots—makes me wanna go ride my horse!)

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